November 6-8, 2024
Shenzhen World Convention and Exhibition Center

quanchu business matchmaking

C-TOUCH & DISPLAY Business Matching

Oct.11th--13th ,2023
Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center

What is Business Matching (Exhibitor Referral)?

  • Business Matching makes your participation in the show more productive We make the show a more productive business environment.
  • For exhibitors, it ensures that we direct the right, identified buyers to the exhibitor's booth; and refer the exhibitor and their company's business to the right new customers.
  • Business Matching makes it easy for buyers to get to know you, contact you and meet you at the show through the list of exhibitors and links in the referral emails sent to pre-registered visitors, the list of recommended exhibitors on the on-site visitor WeChat registration page, the RX App for exhibitor referrals, TAP on-site one-on-one matchmaking sessions, on-site business matching tours, and on-site exhibitor search and printing services.


For Visitors and Buyers

  • ·We help exhibitors and visitors expand their business contacts by creating a full range of free, non-sponsored business matching (exhibitor referral) services before, during, and after the show. After a visitor completes pre-registration or on-site registration, the system will automatically recommend by email or WeChat a list of exhibitors that match the products and purpose of your visit that you checked in the visitor registration form, and the visitor can click on the exhibitors' links to view their company and product details and refer to them to plan a visit or meeting. Make the most of these services:

Why Business Matching (Exhibitor Referral)?

  • Buyer insights from the show floor show
  • Buyers respond positively to the service of matching them with the right exhibitors and recognize the value
  • Buyers like and appreciate exhibitor referrals for providing them with the right guidance for their visit
  • Buyer feedback that targeted referrals helped them use their time at the show more effectively
  • Buyer feedback that Exhibitor Referral helped them to achieve more and higher quality business meetings at the show
  • Buyer feedback on exhibitor recommendations helps them find and meet new exhibitors at the show


Business matching is a win-win for everyone

Business Matching referrals direct buyers to the right exhibitor's booth to close more business and use show time more efficiently. Business Matching does not increase costs for exhibitors or visitors, but makes for more satisfied show customers

How can exhibitors participate in business matching?

  • Business Matching is a free service for exhibitors who have already signed up
  • You only need to provide complete and accurate information about your company, and it will be included in the referral communication to the corresponding buyers
  • You can use the RX App to scan the visitor's badge of your booth to get their information as sales leads.


TAP Targeted Buyer Program

  • Reed's Target Attendee Program (TAP) identifies, establishes, maintains, and strengthens buyers with purchasing power and referral rights in potential market segments to ensure their in-depth participation in our exhibitions and procurement negotiations. RX Greater China has a dedicated and highly capable TAP team to identify the detailed sourcing plans and budgets of our exhibitors' most desired buyer segments in the next 12-18 months prior to the show, create a platform for exhibitors and buyers to match supply and demand, and facilitate their business matching meetings on the show floor, thereby increasing the value of exhibitors' and buyers' participation and visits, and turning our relationships with our customers into their business success.


If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact us

Ms. Li Haibin
Tel: 010-5933 9106
Email: [email protected]